A day at RSPB Leighton Moss

I spent the day at Leighton Moss and took a few photographs using my new Sony Alpha 58 camera with my 150 to 500 mm zoom lens. On leaving the visitor centre you walk through a "picnic" area that has a number of bird feeders.
The male Chaffinch on the left was at one of these feeders.
The Robin on the right was on a nearby branch. I walked on to Lilian's Hide and took this image of a Bar Tailed Godwit.
I spotted a male Teal on the far side of the water and there were plenty of Black headed Gulls everywhere.
I moved on to Grisedale Hide and imaged a Lapwing - there was at least one more. A pair of Greylag Geese flew by.
In the far distance what I think is a Marsh Harrier flew by.
Still at the Grisedale Hide a pair of Gadwall were imaged. The female is on the left with the yellow beak and more pronounced mottling whereas the male Gadwall on the right has a black beak and less prononced mottling.
The Tim Jackson hide was pretty quiet - a[art from the noisy Black Headed Gulls.
On the way back from the Tim Jackson hide there was some male Blackcap activity
and a Robin was watching all of this from his vantage point.
I think this could be a Reed Warbler - pointed tail and long pointed beak - but I am not sure.
A Black Headed Gull was perched in front of the Public Hide
A Pochard on the runway from the public hide - going
Its a hard life! Male Gadwall from the Public Hide.
Time to wake up for a few exercises
Several Tufted Ducks were in front of the Public Hide.
A few Mute Swans were in the lake at the Public Hide
A Male Gadwall close up in front of the Public Hide
A Greylag Goose was cruising by in the distance.
A nesting Coot at the Public Hide
Black Backed Gull at the Public Hide
Pochard at the Lower Hide
Marsh Harrier at the Lower Hide