Another clear night

It was clear last night but the Moon was at 99.58% around Midnight and blotted out most of the stars. Combined with the light pollution there was not much else to see apart from the brightest stars. This was where the Moon was around Midnight last night.
Chart and Data Courtesy of Software Bisque The SkyX
The Lunar Data from Leyland last night
Object Name: Moon
Altitude: +53° 14' 01"
Constellation: Taurus
RA (Topocentric): 04h 25m 04s
Dec (Topocentric): +17° 09' 52"
RA (2000.0): 04h 24m 11s
Dec (2000.0): +17° 07' 56"
Azimuth: 188° 42' 14"
Phase (%): 99.58% (waxing)
Rise Time: 15:41
Transit Time: 23:35
Set Time: 06:34
Air Mass: 1.25
RA Rate (arcsecs/sec): 0.425854
Dec Rate (arcsecs/sec): 0.041779
Date: 05/12/2014
Time: 23:58:48 STD
Constellation (Abbrev.): Tau
Moon Ecliptic Longitude: 67° 27' 27"
Moon Ecliptic Latitude: -03° 52' 36"
Moon Parallax: 0.9497
Moon Angular Diameter: 0° 31' 03"
Moon Distance (km): 384,829.02
Moon True RA: 4.4216
Moon True Dec: 17.7266
Moon Topocentric Ang. Diameter: 0.5245
Moon Alt w/Refraction: 53.6481
Moon Total Libration l: 4.7825
Moon Total Libration b: 5.1257
Moon Optical Libration l: 4.7732
Moon Optical Libration b: 5.0771
Moon Physical Libration l: 0.0093
Moon Physical Libration b: 0.0486
Moon Position Angle: -10.1438
Phase Angle: 7.3877
Moon Pos. Angle of Bright Limb: 229.3711
Moon's Age (Days Past New): 13.46
Sidereal Time: 04:47
Julian Date: 2456997.49916817
Click Distance: 0.0000
Frame Size (arcmins): 31.4698
Celestial Type: 35
Index: 10
Constellation Number: 77
It is worth having a look at Google Moon which has some new features.