Tuesday 27th May 2014 - Patrick Moore at the Royal Institution in 2009.

I attended the above event (that took place on the 21st November 2009) organised by the BAA to honour Patrick Moore's 75th year as a BAA member. Patrick joined the BAA when he was 11 years old. Patrick and a range of excellent speakers made it a really worthwhile day. The meeting was in the Royal Institution lecture theatre - home to the well known Christmas Lectures.
Morning speakers included Dr Peter Cattermole who gave the keynote presentation jointly with Patrick on the topic of "The Craters of the Moon" which was selected as being an appropriate topic as this was Patrick's greatest interest, Martin Mobberley on the topic of 21st Planetary Imaging - an excellent and humorous presentation, Tony Morris on Digital SLR's, Dr Richard Miles on Asteroids and Comets and Stan Waterman and Richard Stratford on searching for Exoplanets.
The afternoon session included Dr. Nick Hewitt on the Deep Sky, Dr .David Boyd on High Precision CCD Photometry , Karen Holland on the latest in sensor technology, Robin Leadbetter on Spectroscopy, Nick James on Remote and Robotic Observing , and Professor Andy Lawrence on the Virtual Observatory and Data Mining. Unfortunately I missed the last presentation as I had to catch a train but the entire day was really packed with information and very enjoyable.