Clocks back - more astronomy last night - 430 galaxies -a 1 second M42 image and Variable Stars.

The extra hour last night meant that I felt I was given more observing time so my last image was taken at 3:02 a.m. (updated time - it was really 4: 02 old time!) A busy night for the telescope imaging galaxies in Cygnus, Lyra, Vulpecula, Equueleus and Delphinus to a total of 430. I also imaged a few objects of interest - for example the Great Nebula in Orion - this is a one second image.
Another object was the Little Dumbbell Nebula M76 - a planetary nebula in Perseus otherwise known as NGC 650.
I also imaged a few Variable Star fields - yet to be analysed.
One of the galaxies on my search list is NGC 7264 - imaged a couple of night ago.
This is a standard 30s exposure unfiltered.