Day 132 Friday 1st August 2014 New reduction set and 243 galaxies imaged. Siding Spring images.

A clear night - I took 20 Flat, 20 Dark and 20 Bias Frames - I used my Flat Frame Technical Interface for the Flat frames (a white T-Shirt!)
I took 30 second images of 243 galaxies in one hour blocks of increasing RA with decreasing Declination in each block and applied the reduction frames to each of these. Image numbers were 1572 to 1751.
Earlier in the week I took some images using the telescopes at Siding Spring in Australia. Here they are:
IC 5152
The above image is a jpeg image, I opened the original FITS file in SkyX for the Siding Spring location.
The SkyX has an option to use the data in the FITS data file to adjust the SkyX chart to the date and time of the photograph.
The advantage of this is that if there were any solar system objects around when the photo was taken - such as Minor Planets or Comets - then they will show up on the chart in the position they were in when the image was taken.
I set the chart to the time of the photo and then used image link to solve the plate.
and linked the image to the chart
Here is the data on this object from SkyX.
Object Name: IC 5152
Object Name: IC 5152Altitude: +69° 24' 47" Object Type: Irregular GalaxyRA (2000.0): 22h 02m 42s Dec (2000.0): -51° 17' 46" Dec (Topocentric): -51° 13' 14" RA (Topocentric): 22h 03m 40s Azimuth: 192° 00' 43" Major Axis: 5.0Minor Axis: 3.2Axis Position Angle: 100° 00' Magnitude: 10.50Rise Time: 16:10Transit Time: 01:35Set Time: 10:56Hour Angle: 00h 26m 50s Air Mass: 1.07Source Catalog: Revised ICBlue mag: 11.1Constellation: INDSurface brightness: 13.4Date: 31/07/2014Time: 02:01:39 STDConstellation: IndusConstellation (Abbrev.): IndScreen X: 508.50Screen Y: 282.50Sidereal Time: 22:31Julian Date: 2456869.16781250Click Distance: 0.0000Frame Size (arcmins): 5.0000Angular Separation (Prior Object): 0° 01' 11" from Tycho 8444:1617Position Angle (Prior Object): 134.1° from Tycho 8444:1617Catalog Number: 5152Celestial Type: 9NGC/IC: 0Catalog: 2Constellation Number: 43
The next image was NGC 300