28th February 2010 - Abell Clusters

I have been adding galaxies from Abell Clusters to my Galaxy Search Library. This was one of the Galaxies - NGC 891. Here is the information for NGC 891 provided by The Sky
Object name: NGC 891
Magnitude: 10.1
Equatorial: RA: 02h 23m 12s Dec: +42°23'48"(current)
Equatorial 2000: RA: 02h 22m 33s Dec: +42°20'50"
Horizon: Azim: 298°06'43" Alt: +33°09'00"
Size: 11.7 x 1.6
Transit time: 16:01 Always above horizon.
Object type: Spiral Galaxy
Source catalog: Revised NGC
Blue mag: 10.9
Constellation: AND
Surface brightness: 13.1
Remarks: IRAS02195+4209
Dreyer description : Remarkable! Bright, very large, very moderately extended 22°.
Position angle: 22°00'
Hour angle: 05h 58m 09s
Air mass: 1.83
Sidereal time: 08:21
Click distance: 0.0000
Catalog number: 891
Celestial type: 8
Catalog: 1