Monday July 14th 2014 Just like being on Mars

Tonight, following the Polar Alignment Hints on page 40 of the T-Point Manual, I managed to map 20 stars on the West side of the Meridian, add terms as specified and extract the polar alignment data that is given by the software. I adjusted the mount following this information. I had used Mars which happened to be very close to the Home position to Synch the star chart to the mechanical position. Following the mount adjustment I deleted the T-Point model which was now no longer useful, homed the mount and Synched on Mars again. I tried to slew to Spica which is immediately below and very close to Mars tonight but could not find it. It was only when I went outside and realised that cloud had descended , no stars were visible and the corrector plate of the C14 was completely covered in moisture. I picked up the corrector plate cover which was soaking wet and put it on the scope and put on its cover and switched off.
Looking at the panorama below, it is hard to believe that this is another planet. I can go out and see Mars as a small red dot every night at the moment and here it is from a Martian's viewpoint. Amazing. Make sure you watch it full screen,
Mars Panorama - Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 673 in Out of this World
I like this "selfie" of Curiosity! Holding out its arm to take a photo!
The Curiosity story - 11 minutes long.