NGC 6716 Photometry Part 2

I was watching the video on You Tube "Seeing in the dark" (Go here to see the video and the associated interviews)and came across a reference to Samuel Palmer's painting of the comet of 1858. I paused the video and Googled the painting to discover it had been stolen from its 89 year old owner earlier this year by a con man! See this article.
From "Seeing in the Dark"
NGC 6716 Photometry continued.
The B image below shows NGC 6716 with 25 target stars, 1 comparison star and 1 check star
These are the B results
After going through a similar process with the V image these are the V results
So I have measured the brightness in B and V bands of 25 of the stars that appear to be in the cluster NGC 6716.
Of course some of these will be line of sight stars either in front of or behind the cluster. I have not taken into account the extinction of light by the atmosphere or the interstellar medium. I may try that later but first of all I will estimate the temperature of the stars by calculating B-V in an attempt to do some real science.
To be continued..........