Day 166 Wednesday 3rd September 2014 My first dome and NGC 6928

Clouds again descending just when it fell dark.
Here is an old photograph of my first observatory dome when I lived in Wiltshire. I built the dome out of half a ball that had been hanging in a display at an exhibition in Birmingham, cut a slot and added wheels and a track - building all the other parts from fibreglass from scratch. The dome was mounted on my first circular brick wall - well first brick wall ever in fact! I found a lot of fossils when I dug the hole for the base for the 10 inch reflector - including fossilised coral and several ammonites. I still have these.
This is what I dug up
This is another galaxy from the previous run.
NGC 6928 30 second exposure SBIG ST9XE + C14
Plate Solution
and linked to the labelled chart