Day 70 Telescopes disassembled, Chetham's Library and Andy Devey.

I have now disassembled the CGEM and 4 inch refractor and also the TAL1. I am back to the UK on Thursday then back here at the new location in June.
On Saturday I am at the meeting of the Society for the History of Astronomy in Manchester - it is being held in Chetham's Library which is the oldest lending library in the world. If you go to the website there is an online search facility. I put in "astronomy" as the key word and checked out the results. There are books going back to pre-1500 in the collection. Worth more research.
I came across this video describing the work of Andy Devey that I referred to on Day 65.
The accompanying text:
"A solar explorer who captured close-up snaps of the sun has had them featured on a NASA website.
Retired Andy Devey has been an amateur astronomer for about six years and said the peak of his stargazing was seeing his own photos of the sun published on the NASA space weather website.
Other sun shots he's taken have made the front cover of the British Astronomical year book for 2011.
Andy, 55, uses a host of telescopes and cameras to capture the images - and all from his back garden in Darton."