Day 145 Wednesday 13th August 2014 Mirror Lock Up and Canon 40D Images from earlier in the year

Both telescopes were set up today but it became windy and later cloud descended on the mountain. I managed a few galaxy images of very poor qulity because of the wind on the C14 but did not manage to get the Canon/4 inch set up.
Earlier in the day I checked the connection of the Canon to APT, PHD connectivity to the guiding cam and themount without problem.
The APT (AstroPhotographyTool) Software recognises the Canon 40D and comes up with this message
C.Fn. means Custom Function in Canon speak and is an option on the menu
Its address is C.Fn III -7 and needs to be set to 1:Enable.
I checked that this was so - although difficult to see the menu in the bright sunshine when I was doing it this afternoon.
Here are some images I took earlier this year using the Canon40D
California Nebula
Spectra of Capella and nearby stars using a grating