Cloudy 4th April 2019 - Setting up ASI 120MC Camera

I am trying to use my ZWO ASI 120MC Camera as the guidescope camera to use with the Paramount MyT. In reality the tracking on the mount is quite accurate without guiding but clearly longer exposures will be possible if I can achieve good guiding with this camera. I could not get the camera to produce images with its connection via the Icron ethernet hub but checking on the Software Bisque support site I found this:
"Have you added any kind of extender in the mix? I just learned that these ZWO guide cameras won’t pass through Icron Rangers. Not sure about Startech hubs. "
That is exactly what I was doing. I already have to use a powered USB hub to control the MyT as it will not operate from the USB output of the remote Icron hub which is located on the Primaluce bar. I reconnected the guiding camera to one of the two USB ports on the end of the Versa-Plate. The feed for this is through the MyT mount from the USB input that connects from the MacBook to the mount. Once this was done I was able to take images using the guide camera although it has not yet been focused or aligned with the main scope.
As my main camera on the 8-inch Ritchey-Chretien scope is also a ZWO (1600) I thought there would be a problem with the software distinguishing between the two of them.
In fact under the camera or autoguider settings, once a ZWO Camera has been selected there is a drop down menu to select the appropriate camera.