Day 119 Saturday 19th July 2014 Setting up the ASI Autoguider in PHD

Another day with no imaging or observing. A very windy day - I checked the security of the tie down straps on the Paramount and the CGEM. Cloudy later but no rain.
I spent some time getting the CGEM setup ready.
I initially set up the CGEM and checked the operation of the connection to The SKyX and the Canon camera connection to APT as I had used it earlier in the year from my previous Spanish location.
I then downloaded the manual for the ZWO ASI CM camera from the ZWO website and installed the driver for the camera from the website. I also downloaded PHD to control the guiding. I found it necessary to install ASCOm and an ASCOM driver for the camera as in the manual.
This is the process setting up with PHD
I can't do any more until it is dark but here is a good explanation of using PHD from Forrest Tanaka.