Wednesday 21st May 2014 - 57 NGC Objects in Orion imaged in 25 minutes.

On 6th March 2012 the sky was hazy with thin cloud so I decided to abandon supernova searching that night. Some objects were visible so I thought I would try and image some of these with 10 second exposures to see what I got. Using the Data Wizard in Software Bisque's "The Sky 6" software to find all of the NGC Objects in Orion returned the number 57. I set up a script to take 10 second images of all of these. I managed to image all 57 NGC objects in Orion in 25 minutes based on the FITS data times. M42 is there as well as the flame nebula. Some images are repeated below in this composite image. A thicker cloudy spell in mid imaging ruined many of them. Some images show extreme vignetting when cloud intervenes. OK they are all pretty poor but an interesting attempt nevertheless. I must try this again when it is not cloudy!
I have enlarged the first 8 images below