Friday April 25th 2014 Dunsinck Observatory from Robert Ball's book.

Separated from my telescopes by over 1000 miles with an empty dome and cloudy skies I looked at some of my old astronomy books in my study. Sir Robert Ball's book contained a number of images of domes and telescopes. Here are images from the book describing Dunsinck Observatory in Dublin.
Here is a description of Dunsink Observatory.
and details of the Grubb Refractor on Wikipedia
and a view of the interior
Sir Robert Ball refers to " ...the equatorial telescope , the object glass of which was presented to the Board of Trinity College, Dublin by the late Sir James South. The main part of the building is a cylindrical wall, on the top of which reposes a hemispheriacal roof. In this roof is a shutter, which can be opened so as to allow the observer in the interior to obtain a view of the heavens...... the two lenses which together form the object glass of the instrument are twelve inches in diameter, and the quality of the telescope mainly depends on the accuracy with which these lenses have been wrought. "