Happy New Year

Arrived in Spain yesterday afternoon to blue skies and sunshine and set up for a Galaxy imaging run. I obtained sky flats and managed to get over 320 X 30 second galaxy images after checking alignment and setting up a new T-Point model. I also had a problem with images suddenly becoming GIFs instead of FITS! I had to check the Software Bisque support groups to identify that a setting had mysteriously reset itself to cause the problem. Why it did that suddenly I have no idea - it had never happened in all the years I had been using CCDSoft! . I stopped imaging in the early hours of today when I realised that I had been up for over 20 hours - having flown from Manchester to Murcia and then driving the 110 km or so to Cabrera.
Today's job is to blink these with library images in Grepnova to see if I can find any new supernova in these images.
Six of the 320 images taken last night