Supernova 2014dg imaged yesterday in Camelopardalis

This type 1a Supernova - SN 2014dg - is still visible in PGC 13880 in the constellation of Camelopardalis - the Giraffe. It was on my run of galaxies for my supernova search and I came across it. It was discovered in September by Koichi Itagaki - who discovered another SN in the same constellation this year - 2014aj in PGC 16897. The latter SN has faded and was not on my image that was also on last night's list. Here is 2014dg - a rough estimate comparing with nearby stars puts it between magnitude 14 and 15 so you will need a decent size telescope to spot it.
A chart showing its location is here - the green laser shows its position.
Here is the chart of SN2014aj.
The history of this SN can be followed at David Bishop's page about it.