Monday 26th May 2014 - yet another lesson on how to miss a supernova! M95 in 2012.

Below is my image of M95 taken on 15th March 2012 at 22:42 UT. This was the 72nd image taken that night out of a total set of 401 galaxies. I checked this image on 16th March and found no supernova. I suspect it is there but just too faint to show on my 30 second image! Can you see anything?
Shortly after my observation a supernova exploded in the galaxy and was detected on the evening following my image being taken at 16.849. (16th March|).
Details of the discovery are here
The actual discovery image is here
I imaged the new supernova on the 22nd March - see image below.
Here is an animation blinking between the two images above.