Monday 19th May 2014 - Comet McNaught Animation from 2010
Comet McNaught Animation – the comet moved as shown through Cepheus in the early hours of Thursday 13th May 2010. (Click image to run) A series of 45 second images were taken and 23 of these were used to form the animation. (I used every 5th image from the sequence). The time of the first frame was 01:12 U.T. and the 23rd frame was 02:39 U.T. so the comet moved the distance shown (towards the North East) in 87 minutes. The scale of the square image is 11.4 minutes of arc on each side, giving an estimated 4 minutes of arc of movement of the comet giving a speed of 2.7 arc seconds per minute. I had to stop because the sky was brightening as it was actually beginning to get light! (3.39 am BST).