Day 94 Tuesday 24th June 2014

An extremely windy day. The only telescope not strapped down - the TAL1 was blown over. Thanks to solid Russian engineering (I used to own a Lada Estate - built like a tank - it was bought by a Russian and reshipped to his home country! ) - it was undamaged except for a slight split in the plastic end cap and a tear in the scopecoat. It can stay indoors for the moment - it is easy to set up when I need it. As it grew dark the wind dropped and skies cleared. Saturn and Mars were bright and Scorpius was a blazing constellation. Cassiopeia was observed low in the North East - looking very large in sort of "Moon horizon enlargement" effect.
Someone asked me how many Supernovae had been found to date this year and I was caught out. I had to look it up.
So the answer is 74.
I am waiting for an available clear night to be able to start my search this year once I have finalised the setting up process.