The CGEM and the SBIG Camera

This is the telescope at the moment.I am waiting for darkness to fall to test this new set up - but it looks as though clouds are moving in.
This is a closer look at the SBIG ST9XE on the 4 inch Meade.
The filter wheel is attached and contains only B and V photometric filters. The X0.8 focal reducer slides into the 2" telescope tube.
This is how the power and USB cables get into the house.
The laptop uses the SkyX to control the CGEM and the SBIG camera and PHD controls the guiding camera. The SBIG has its own inbuilt guider chip though so PHD is only necessary with a different camera.
The cloud remained with occasional gaps that allowed me to align the finder on the guidescope and the Telrad using a 32mm eyepiece on the scope. As soon as I put the camera back on however the cloud thickened and that was that.