Probable Supernova discovered yesterday 30th October 2014 in Ursa Major

ASASSN has found a probable Supernova in Ursa Major. As I write this I am taking an exposure from New Mexico (remotely) but as the altitude is only 21 degrees it may not be usable - I am surprised that the telescope can see it!
Details were given as follows:
Constellation: Ursa Major
Host Galaxy: PGC 24396 NED Data DSS (R) IMage
Object Designation: ASASSN-14jh
RA: 08:40:44.27 DEC: +57:15:04.91
Discovered: 2014-10-30.51
The imaging run from New Mexico has just completed (07:30 Spanish time) so I can check shortly to see if it has arrived in my VPhot image list at AAVSO. I have just looked at the jpeg image emailed to me and it is not looking promising. The fits image has not yet arrived at VPhot. Ursa Major is getting higher in the sky so I can try again if I can get telescope time in a few hours.
Last night here in Spain started off well and I started a run of galaxy imaging - but cloud soon set in and I had to abandon it.
Yesterday I took an image of ASASSN-14jg using the T32 telescope in New South Wales
here it is again