Day 26 Telescope 2 Setup and the Telrad

I decided to utilise the SBIG ST9XE on the 4" refractor as it was not a combination I had tried before. The setup is now like this.
The camera was attached with the 0.8X focal reducer in place so there should be a fairly wide field of view.
I managed to reduce down to a single USB cable as I had managed to get the USB hub working as normal. There are four devices now controlled through the single USB cable - the CGEM, the Canon 40D, the SBIG camera and the filter wheel. I could also have added the electronic focuser but did not have an adaptor to attach the focuser to the 2" telescope fitting. So I am using CCDSoft to control the camera and the filter wheel, APT - Astrophotography Tool to control the Canon 40D and NexRemote to control the telescope or the Sky6 if appropriate. I used the Sky6 in the past to slew the CGEM through a list of galaxies which were imaged automatically.(When I had a 12" Meade on the CGEM a couple of years ago).
The Telrad proves extremely useful - this is what it looks like
This is a view of the Moon sighting through the Telrad
The Telrad is structured as shown below.