Day 101 Tuesday 1st July 2014 CGEM setup with 4 inch refractor and guider.

No imaging last night - cloud set in and put an end to it. A bright sunny day today however. Now that the C14 and Paramount are set up I am aiming to set up the 4 inch refractor. This is its current state.
Note the two cannons which prevent the telescope from being blown over! The telescope now has the Skywatcher 80mm and ZWO guiding camera attached. It also has a base for a Telrad - I have two Telrads between 3 telescopes and 3 Telrad bases permanently attached. The setup also has the adjustable guidesope mount which I think will make a tremendous difference to aligning the guidescope! See this extensive review. I have also fitted the polar finderscope which I have yet to use.
The elastic cords are simply stored there not part of the structure!
The guiding camera can work as a guider or an imager.
The modified Canon camera is the main instrument in this setup.
The Celestron polar finder telescope is screwed in and has a focuser.
Unfortunately cloud set in as it grew dark but it gave me just enough time to use the polar alignment scope to match Ursa Major against its pattern and to centre Polaris in the offset circle to give polar alignment.At the next clear opportunity I will use the CGEM polar alignment routine to enhance alignment.