8th March 2015 - A bright Moon lights the sky

This was the Moon last night rising in the East at Leyland
To the Northeast - A setting of ISO 3200 brings out the stars but also the surroundings!
The constellation of Auriga - the Kids showing clearly. 30second exposure, 20mm focal length, ISO 400 using my Sony Alpha 350 DSLR. The brightest star at the extreme left in the centre is Alhena in Gemini. See the chart below to identify the other stars.
Star Chart below - courtesy of Software Bisque names some of the stars in the above image.
Jupiter is in Cancer between Leo and Castor and Pollux in Gemini. This image shows Jupiter on the left and Castor and Pollux to the West. 29 second exposure, 20mm focal length, ISO 400 using my Sony Alpha 350 DSLR.
This image shows Leo to the left of centre (east) and Jupiter with the constellation of Cancer and Messier 44 to the west. 30second exposure, 20mm focal length, ISO 400 using my Sony Alpha 350 DSLR.
The Chart below, courtesy of Software Bisque, provides identification. Jupiter is highlighted.