Five galaxies in Vulpecula and the Crab Nebula

This is one of the 430 images from my Saturday Night's session. It shows 5 galaxies in a single image.
This lists the galaxies in order of the major axis size in minutes of arc.
The fainter galaxies are just visible on the image so the limiting magnitude on the 30 second image is about magnitude 18.
PGC 64678 or NGC 6921, the brightest galaxy, is estimated to be at a distance of around 55 MParsecs (NED Data) which is about 180 million Light Years. It is moving away from us at 4567 km/s so in an hours time it will be 16 million km further away - not much chance of any NGC 6921 residents popping in for a chat then! Also if we travelled at the speed of light for 180 million years to go to see them they would have gone anyway....... It makes your head hurt.
I also took a 30 second image of the Crab Nebula