Day 133 Saturday 2nd August 2014 201 galaxies imaged - Closed loop slew to centre objects worked well.

Another clear night but only 201 galaxies imaged for 30 seconds each tonight. They numbered from 1784 to 1984. I used the previous reduction data as I have not changed anything and the dust spots are probably in the same place!
I am overlapping quite a bit with other nights to try and build up a library of good images.
I am still finding out features of the new SkyX and Camera Add On. An extremely useful feature is the fact that there now is a second "Slew" option If you slew to an object and it is not quite centred on the chip then you can do a"closed loop slew" What this means is that when you press this button the Camera Add On takes an image of the object, solves the plate and then automatically centres the object. It works very well indeed. This will be extremely useful for building a T Point model although you can automate the whole process - I have yet to try that - I will do that if I lose the current good pointing but the "if it ain't broke don'e fix it " adage applies here!