Day 37 Planet visibility - Current appearance of the Moon and Saturn - Sky and Telescope's Week.

I spent most of the day planning my more permanent location for my main telescope. It started cloudy in the day but cleared and was warm later. I know that the Moon and Saturn are going to appear close to each other in the sky tonight but the moon will not rise until 11:9 p.m. with a transit at 2:39 a.m. so I need to make sure I don't miss that. The Moon will have a phase of about 79% (waning)
This shows the visibility of Solar System Objects for tomorow
This is what the Moon will look like
and this is the current view of Saturn if you have a big telescope!
This week's Sky and Telescope's video is worth watching.
For those in New York and elsewhere the occultation was spoiled by poor weather this morning - I don't know if anyone managed to see it.