Optical Transient in Messier 51 using a Remote 10 inch telescope

I was notified by Guy Hurst of the Astronomer magazine about the presence of an optical transient in Messier 51. It was discovered on 22nd January 2019. It is a 'supernova imposter' - a variable star that has brightened considerably so, unlike a supernova, it will not be destroyed. I took an image of this on 2nd March 2019 using a remote 10" reflecting telescope in New Mexico. This is shown below. I have added some nearby stellar magnitudes to the image to compare with the transient magnitude. By ‘solving the plate’ of the image in the SkyX software I measure the coordinates of AT 2019abn as RA: 13h 29m 41.8s Dec: +47° 11' 12" (Epoch 2000).
Full details of the transient can be found here.