Sunday 18th May 2014. In 2009 I had no mirror lock on my SCT - now in place!

Galaxy Run 17th October 2009
Only 49 Galaxies tonight - this was the first - NGC 676 - brighter than the normal range of galaxies imaged. (You can see that the images below are not well centred - a required refocusing shifted the images - an unwelcome feature of the LX200 in that focusing moves the mirror - causing this shift! The Paramount of course does not know this and moves to where it thinks the centre is!)
Object name: NGC 676
Magnitude: 11.9
Equatorial: RA: 01h 49m 30s Dec: +05°57'31"(current)
Equatorial 2000: RA: 01h 48m 57s Dec: +05°54'22"
Size: 4.0 x 1.0
(Details from Software Bisque "The Sky")
Image 20' X 20' Temperature ST9XE - 5 Celsius 30 seconds exposure
This was the 27th Galaxy Imaged
Object name: M 33
Other ID: NGC 598
Magnitude: 5.5
Equatorial: RA: 01h 34m 27s Dec: +30°42'44"(current)
Equatorial 2000: RA: 01h 33m 52s Dec: +30°39'29"
Size: 68.7 x 41.6
(Details from Software Bisque "The Sky")
Image 20' X 20' Temperature ST9XE -5 Celsius 30 seconds exposure