Day 93 Monday 23rd June 2014

My visitor returned today
Clearly he regards me as the intruder - he obviously has a tunnel into the house and comes and goes as he pleases - I think he likes me chasing him because he is good at not getting caught - I only managed it once!
No observing today but I had been looking through old Sky at Night videos on You Tube and came across the reference to the star Spica which is very prominent between Saturn and Mars at the moment. They referred to Spica being 12 thousand times brighter than our sun. Hard to believe but it is a long way away!
Here is the programme. I am afraid the tug of war section leaves me cold. Not a good idea. There are too many people in the " crew" approach to the Sky at Night -too many PhD's! Just get one good "anchor" like Patrick and stick to it! Maybe I am just getting old and it is what children want.
Dismounting from my hobby horse and back to the point - Spica is shown in its position on the HR diagram alongside other stars of different shapes and sizes- I really must get a list of these in my head so I can be outside on a clear night and point my green laser at stars corresponding to different parts of the HR diagram
This is where Spica is this week- courtesy of the SkyX - the Sierra Cabrera range on the horizon. Incidentally (believe it or not) the little blue "stars" on the chart are all supernovae discovered in 2014 so far - I have built these into the chart.