Day 77 Saturday 7th June 2014

A hot day which turned cloudy/misty by the time it was dark. The Moon was visible through light cloud. I managed to get the C14 OTA up the steps to the observing platform and mount it onto the PME saddle via the Losmandy dovetail. I set up the power supplies and USB cables - running the three cables - USB for PME and C14, USB for the CGEM and mains power for both into the little office with external access from the house. I had to set up the power for the active USB cables, the cameras the focuser and the mounts themselves.
Back in February I gave a list of what I was going to do in Spain. I now have a modified list as I have purchsed additional equipment.
Telescope Setup 1:
A: To use for Supernova searching by monochrome imaging of 100+ galaxies per clear night.
B: To take images of open clusters using B and V filters for determination of cluster distance and age.
Celestron C14 - this is the OTA that I purchased several years ago on Ebay. It is a very old model but the optics are still perfect. I saved a considerable amount by buying this old 'scope. I added Bob's Knobs to faciitate collimation and have 2 mirror locks and use an external focuser.
Finder 'Scope - I use the finder from my 4" Meade OTA on the C14. I also use a Telrad finder which is switchable between scopes - I find this an excellent piece of kit. I must say I find it extremely difficult sometimes to set up the C14 if I have lost alignment between finder and main 'scope! It can be remarkably difficult to find even a bright star in the C14 with its high focal length. I am hoping that the Telrad will help with that.
Paramount ME - the C14 will be mounted on the ME. This is a heavy piece of kit but I managed to get it from my dome into the truck singlehanded. I was very careful to avoid back injury!!
Tripod - I am taking my Meade Giant Equatorial Tripod to mount the ME and C14. This is a very heavy piece of kit and a very awkward shape to move but again I managed to get this into the truck on my own.
Focuser - I will be using a TCF-Si focuser that is very easily controlled from my laptop using CCDsoft.
Camera - I will be using my SBIG ST9XE to image galaxies as part of my Supernova Search.
Telescope Setup 2:
To use for colour imaging of deep sky objects using a modified DSLR
Telescope - Meade 4" Refractor. I purchased this from Telescope House in Farringdon London many years ago - it was lying on the floor in a corner and I managed to get a good deal on it.
Finder 'Scope - I have a Telrad which is sufficient for my requirements with this scope.
Mount - I use a Celestron CGEM (original) which is a good value mount that I have previously taken to Spain and have used it with a 12" Meade SCT successfully.
Camera - a piggy backed modified Canon 40D with a variety of lens options. I have just obtained an inexpensive 300mm lens (f/5.6) with a X2 Teleconverter that I will use for the first time on this trip.
GuideScope - I have a new SkyWatcher 80 GuideScope that is mounted on a SkyWatcher Guide Mount that allows two axis adjustment to align the main and guide scopes.
Guiding Camera - I have a new "ZWO ASI120MC Colour 1/3" CMOS USB2.0 Camera with Autoguider Port" that I have yet to try.
Telescope Setup 3:
For visual observing of brighter deep sky objects and double stars
My third telescope is a TAL1 4 1/2 inch reflector that I use for visual observing and for demonstration purposes. An excellent 'scope that has a Telrad finder mounting option.
Telescope Setup 4:
To use for visual lunar observations.
This is an ETX 90 telescope from Meade that is very good for Moon work and Solar Eclipses.
I also intend to carry on the work I am doing to image objects with remote telescopes - in particular using telescopes in New Mexico and at Siding Spring in Australia.
I am also taking my equipment for wildlife photography - particularly birds - and hope to improve my skills in taking wildlife images.