NGC 2477 Cluster Project

The Moon is still on the wane and I imaged it this morning with my Sony Alpha 350 and telephoto lens - a quick handheld snap.
Here is yesterday's image for comparison
Yesterday I used the T30 telescope at Siding Spring to take 4 images of NGC 2477 also known as M71. I am trying to produce a meaningful HR Diagram of this cluster so that I can estimate its age to see how closely I can get it to the currently accepted value of 700 million years. (SEDS)
I took B and V images at 60 second and 120 second exposures to try and ascertain the optimum exposure. I had previously taken a V image of the cluster with a 300 second exposure and many of the brighter stars were saturated - meaning that I can not measure their V magnitude.
To be continued.