This morning's imaging of Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner

This morning I opened the observatory from my desk inside the house just before 6 a.m. Not having to go and set up the telescope and observatory makes it very easy to do some astronomy at unsocial hours. I usually wake up in the middle of the night to check the sky and if it is clear open the 'shed' and start up the telescope, set the filter wheel position, connect the camera and slew the telescope to an interesting target - all without having to move more than 3 feet from my bed!
This morning I captured the latest position of the comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner. I produced a gif animation in Photoshop to show its movement over 33 minutes.(05:57 local time to 06:30 local time.) There were intervening clouds from time to time resulting in various levels of star bloating!