The Planet Uranus

I accidentally rediscovered the planet Uranus in the early hours of this morning. Having recently acquired a 14 inch OTA to replace its 12 inch predecessor and being used to pointing and clicking to go to any object I realised how difficult it was to find anything at all with the 14" and a non-aligned finder! Having failed to get any known bright stars in the 26 mm eyepiece I tried to locate Jupiter which was shining like a beacon in the eastern sky. Still no luck - I could not find it! I slowly "panned" back and forth in what I thought was its vicinity by sighting down the tube and spotted a definite disk in the viewfinder. Too faint for Jupiter but it struck me that this must be Uranus. I checked the chart and there it was - not far from Jupiter. I centred it, changed to a 9 mm cross hair eyepiece and "synched" it to "The Sky" software and made it the first mapping point in a new T-Point model. I now asked the telescope to slew to Jupiter and there it was at the bottom of the eyepiece field. I centred it and synched it and aligned the finder to the OTA. From now on everything became much simpler and after half a dozen slews to bright stars and mapping them I was getting fairly well centred objects in the 9 mm eyepiece. With a focal length of 3910 mm that corresponds to a magnification of X434. Replacing the eyepiece with the SBIG camera put objects into the field of view with each slew.