Day 35 The Moon Spica and Mars

Another good hot day allowing me to have breakfast on the terrace but in the evening clouds moved in.
I am still working on the images from Monday (Day 33) so I spent some time doing that.
The four images below are of M40, M51, M63 and M81 - all taken with no filter and 30s exposure except for M81 which was 60 seconds. Clearly M40 does not look as though it should be in the Messier list. It looks remarkably like a double star - and that is exactly what it is. Messier was checking it I believe because Hevelius (Wikipedia Link) reported seeing a nebula there and although he could only see a double star he still included it as number 40 in his list. It is actually the double star Winnecke 4.
The Moon, Spica and Mars are close together in the sky tonight. Here are some details.