Rain and Cloud today

No astronomy possible tonight. I earlier checked the operation of the roof of the observatory during a dry spell - it works fine. Also I needed an appropriate sized adaptor to connect my ETX90 OTA to my Canon 40D. I bought this adaptor last week and connected it to the ETX today.
Baader Planetarium 7 mm Ultra Short T-Adaptor
Together with my Meade f/6.3 focal reducer this will allow the full moon to fit into the field of view.
Product Description
SCT adaptor Ultras nursery, T2 (Male)/2SC (female). Only 10 mm Optical length. Specifications: Weight (kg): 0.038. Optical tube length: 7. Inner Diameter / Clear Aperture (mm): 39. Outer Diameter: 56. Inner Connection (lens sided): Thread, 2". Outer Connection (eyepiece/-camera-sided): Thread, T-2 (M42 x 0,75). Compatible Brands: Astro T-2, UNC, Baader Planetarium, Celestron, Other. Type of Adapter: Reducing piece
I also ordered an adaptor for the Guidecope mount that I use to hold the Canon 40D/ETX. At present I have a stack of washers but need a more solid way of attaching the mount to the Primaluce bar. This is the same adaptor that supports the guidescope mount for my SkyWatcher 80mm guidescope.
FLO Adapter for Sky-Watcher Guidescope Mount
"A convenient adapter plate that enables you to easily fit the Sky-Watcher Guidescope Mount to any Sky-Watcher or ADM dovetail.
CNC machined black-anodised aluminium.
Supplied with 2x 1/4" UNC screws (to fit dovetail) and 4x M5 screws (to fit Guidescope mount). "