Day 9: A clear night, CGEM with Canon 40D and 38mm Lens, Jupiter, IC 2159, NGC 2175, M36,M37,M38, M31, Pleiades and the California Nebula, Orion setting over the house, Sky and Telescope Sky Week Video.

A bright and sunny day. I had problems with my USB hub - I could not get this to work so I had to resort to a cable to control the CGEM and a cable to control the camera to allow me to slew the telescope to a target and take images from inside the house. The evening was clear with the Moon gone and I took a few wide angle images as below all using my Canon 40D and Canon zoom lens.All of the images were taken with a focal length of 38mm.
This was Jupiter in Gemini. M35 is visible on this image at top right. The nebula IC 2159 which is in Open Cluster NGC 2175 is just about visible.
Here is the image again but annotated with object names and magnitudes.
I then imaged the region of M36, M37,M38
and here is an annotated version
The next image is an image of M38 that I took remotely.
This image is of the western sky with M31 at the bottom right.
and annotated
I then imaged the region around the Pleiades
It also shows the Californian Nebula.
Orion setting over the house - my temporary location only has a view North which is also where most light pollution is located coming from the coastal towns of Garrucha and Mojacar.
This edition of Sky and Telescope's SkyWeek Video talks about Orion