More images from supernova ASASSN-14jg(taken 2 hours ago).

I just received three images of the supernova from T31 in Siding Spring Australia. They should have been sent directly to VPhot at the AAVSO but they have not appeared in the image list yet. I downloaded one myself directly ASASSN-14jg 300 second V filtered imageand tried to upload this into Vphot. Although it seems to have uploaded successfully for some reason it has not appeared in the image list. There must be some sort of issue there.
From the 300 second imageI want to get a V magnitude for the supernova based on a lighter image with lower ADUs further from saturation. For that reason I took 60s, 180s and 300s exposures and will choose the most appropriate. I will then take images every day to be able to plot the light curve.
The image on the left is the longest exposure of 300 seconds.The supernova is still bright and equals the SN in M61 which is getting all the press.