What is in the sky tonight.

This is the view looking south tonight at 10 p.m. local time from the latitude of my location in Lancashire.
Chart courtesy of Software Bisque
The panoramic horizon is of my view in Spain last year - unfortunately not what I see now in a town in Lancashire! Gemini is in the south with Castor and Pollux approaching the meridian line. Castor will be the first to get to the meridian at 22:51 followed by Pollux at 23:02. At 10 p.m. Castor is at an altitude of 67 degrees and Pollux at 63 degrees.
The constelltion of Gemini is shown in a closer view below.
NGC 2331 is an open cluster in Gemini with a diameter of 19 minutes or arc. Uncle Rod from Possum Swamp observed this in 2009 at Chiefland Astronomy Village in Florida but didn't seem to think much of it! Several descriptions of it are given in the Deep Sky Observer's Companion.