My main observatory is a run off roof shed that I obtained from Spain. It was very easy to put together with the exception of the three part roof which required assistance. Fortunately my visitors at the time helped me to put that together, interleaving the different sections.
Welcome to my website which is based on amateur astronomy (which has largely taken over my life now) and also wildlife and general photography. (New non - astro blog is Just Blog on menu above - this blog is where I add my wildlife and general photographs and other interests and activities.) I am interested in Supernovae and in galaxies and spend every clear evening I can -
much of the time in southern Spain but sometimes in the UK - imaging galaxies with my Celestron 14 telescope. It is an old scope, orange coloured originally now repainted red, and number 511 in the original series.I also have a CGEM mount with a Meade 4 inch refractor that I
use with a Canon 40D modified DSLR, and a TAL1 4 inch refractor for visual use only. I am a member of the British Astronomical Association , a
member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds . I am also a member the North Norfolk Astronomiy Society. My astronomical interests are shown further down this column with images I have taken using my own equipment and some of my remote images and observations.
The 2019 Spring SHA Bulletin is now out - Join the Society for the History of Astronomy and have this delivered.
My Lunar Eclipse images featured on the front page of the Norwich Astronomical Society Winter newsletter.
Galaxy imaging with my C14 and Remote Telescope Services in Australia, the United States and Spain.
Learning about practical photometry using BV filters on my C14 and photometric filters on remote telescopes.
Supernova searching with automated scripting to point the telescope and take short exposure images.
Finding out how to calculate stellar distances and temperatures and generate HR Diagrams for Open Star Clusters
Remote imaging of interesting objects using a range of telescope types and cameras.
The Tarantula Nebula
The Great Nebula in Orion
The Flame and Horsehead Nebulae
NGC 1027 Open Cluster in Cassiopeia
I also like to observe comets when I can
Comet McNaught
Imaging recent supernovae - this one was remotely imaged the same day of its discovery.
Before and after the event - can you spot the supernova?
NGC 6405